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What performance increase will I get if I upgrade my hard drive to SSD?

Besides the average data seek time that hard drives is around 20ms and solid state drive has under 1ms, most notable performance increase SSD has over HD is the ability to handle large number of I/O (input/output) operations per second. That is why a PC with system on SSD, after the initial boot of around 10 seconds is already available for user to start working (while with HD sometimes you need to wait few minutes until system settles to be able to start working).
Having that in mind, some of the cheaper SATA SSD models handle around 10.000–30.000 operations per second and those models are good enough for laptops and desktop PCs that are used for browsing internet, checking mail, even gaming.
Though for a user that will do some heavy usage or wants overall instant response from his PC it would be recommend to get a model which is rated at 70.000–100.000 operations per second.
To sum it up, after upgrading to a decent SATA SSD you will have very fast system boot, ability to start working with PC few seconds after the desktop shows up, smooth multitasking even with lower amount of RAM memory*… etc.
Once you get accustomed to your PC running system on SSD you will have a feeling that your friends PCs that are running system from HD are broken and need service.
*Though I should mention, having system on SSD and with overall low RAM memory will make the PC use more swap memory (virtual memory on system drive in a file) and it will make additional read/writes which could slow your overall system responsivness so I would not recommend going with less than 2GB of RAM for Windows 7 and 10 even if you have SSD.


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